The Journey of hope from Africa.

Our story was basically the love story that never happened, i enjoyed her cooking, her smile and her funny walking style. She hated me when i commented about her little sister though, nature is at times funny. Two individuals from same uterus yet so different. We did all the fun things together, even cooked together, yes this Somali man can cook, my mother must be proud of me, thank you mama! You raised me well.

One morning she called me “cadehey my journey to the states has began! I am going tomorrow” i was happy for her,but part of me didn’t want to lose her. That call changed our lives forever.

Stop assuming, we were not dating, its also a taboo in my culture to openly state you are dating someone. She was a sister figure, the one i never had.

I was out of town, so i said my goodbyes over the phone. USA here we come! If you are familiar with “tahriib” immigration to the greener pasture, you know this is not a one day trip.

She used different routes, and i lost track after that, journey after journey , she finally made it to the states border, yes you heard me,and then she left for Canada. From Africa to Canada, the journey of hope, away from poverty to the land of universal health care.

The issue of immigration continues to divide public opinion around the world, but the Canadian government says it is charting a different course. Canada is regarded as a role model for its acceptance and treatment of immigrants at a time when many countries are closing their borders and anti-refugee sentiment is high. And my sister made it to the land of immigrants, the destination where immigrants dared to dream, finally she was dreaming, her dreams were valid or at least we thought so.

6 months into her new life, she fainted. And was rushed to nearby hospital. Almost 2 years later I am still crying inside, her diagnosis was not fair. Such is life, its never a fair fight. She was given pappillary thyroid cancer diagnosis.

Every day we lose a loved one because of preventable non-communicable diseases. I am an optimist or may be i don’t have an option, she has a fighter blood and she will see it through.

And may be we can laugh again, eat together and enjoy life. Till we meet again dear love, i mourn. Make me proud and fight it.

Till then i keep on mourning. Dear pappillary thyroid cancer your days are numbered, you wronged us.

Yours truly

Sugow Mo

Jerk of all

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